July 2023

3 possible scenarios for the future of martech in the Age of AI

For years, people have been prognosticating the collapse of the martech landscape. That all these thousands of different martech apps are going to be winnowed down to a handful of winners. For the past 12 years, those predictions have been consistently proven wrong, year after year after year. (The myths of martech are nothing if not resilient.) But maybe, just maybe, the Age of AI will be the inflection point that will bring those failed …

3 possible scenarios for the future of martech in the Age of AI Continue Reading »

Martech in the AI Era

Countering 4 “myths” of tech stack dysfunction: shrinkage, martech, shadow IT, and utilization

Why let data get in the way of a good narrative? Tech stacks are going to shrink dramatically. Marketing’s tech stack is bloated compared to every other department. Shadow IT is a scourge across major martech systems. And most SaaS products — especially martech apps — are highly underutilized, a wanton waste of resources. It’s enough to make you shake your fist in the air. “Down with martech! Down with SaaS!” The only problem with …

Countering 4 “myths” of tech stack dysfunction: shrinkage, martech, shadow IT, and utilization Continue Reading »

Average SaaS Tech Stack Size 2021 - 2023

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