Marketing Software

The new data layer in martech has taken hold as the foundation upon which marketing AI will be built

In our recent State of Martech 2024 report — which is free and now fully ungated — Frans Riemersma and I analyzed a ton of transformation happening across the martech industry, from the AI-powered explosion of the martech landscape to three counterintuitive truths of “composability” in martech stacks. Two of our most important findings, however, were the prioritization and adoption of foundational capabilities that are necessary for marketing to harness the full power of AI: …

The new data layer in martech has taken hold as the foundation upon which marketing AI will be built Continue Reading »

Data Warehouse Martech Stack Integration

APIs are “very important” to martech buyers today, but they’ll be crucial for the coming wave of AI agents

Take a guess at filling in the blank here: _______ is to AI Agents as Data is to AI Models The answer, as you likely surmised from my headline, is APIs. Let’s discuss why… Data is the differentiation in AI models For the past year and a half, the hyper hype cycle of AI madness has agreed on only one clear truth: data will be your most strategic asset in the Age of AI. LLM …

APIs are “very important” to martech buyers today, but they’ll be crucial for the coming wave of AI agents Continue Reading »

APIs Are Very Important in Martech

3 counterintuitive surprises about composable martech stacks in The State of Martech 2024 report

For years, the conventional wisdom in martech has been: the fewer apps in your stack, the better. It’s obvious, right? By reducing the number of apps, you will save money, have a better user experience, and improve your governance control. The CFO’s default answer to optimizing martech costs? Cut apps. The CIO’s default answer to optimizing martech governance? Cut apps. Seems rational. But what if it wasn’t necessarily true? Last week, on #MartechDay (May 7), …

3 counterintuitive surprises about composable martech stacks in The State of Martech 2024 report Continue Reading »

Why use alternate apps in your martech stack?

26 magnificently illustrated martech stacks from the 2024 Stackie Awards, with the winners revealed

Yesterday we celebrated the 10th annual Stackie Awards as part of #MartechDay. Every year for the past decade, we’ve invited marketers to send in a single slide that illustrates their marketing tech stack and how they conceptualize it. From these entries, we select five “winners” whose visualizations we thought were particularly noteworthy in some way. I put “winners” in quotes because, as we always acknowledge, the real determination of a winning stack is if it …

26 magnificently illustrated martech stacks from the 2024 Stackie Awards, with the winners revealed Continue Reading »

2024 Stackie Awards - 26 Illustrated Martech Stacks

2024 Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic — 14,106 martech products (27.8% growth YoY)

Happy #MartechDay to you! On the first Tuesday of May, we celebrate the martech industry and all the talented marketing technologists and marketing ops professionals who work in it. Cheers to you for all you do in pioneering this wild and woolly field. It’s also the day when Frans Riemersma and I release our annual update to the marketing technology landscape. You can download a hi-res JPG image or a hi-res clickable PDF of it. …

2024 Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic — 14,106 martech products (27.8% growth YoY) Continue Reading »

2024 Marketing Technology Landscape / Martech Map

Visible and invisible tech stacks, and the upsides and downsides of “shadow IT” in martech and beyond

Tech stacks are large. The empirical stack data we recently shared from Zylo, a leading SaaS management platform, showed that even after a year of belt-tightening, the average SMB (500 employees or less) still has 162 SaaS apps. Mid-market companies (500 to 2,500 employees) have 245. And large enterprises have 650. This isn’t particularly surprising any more, is it? Oh, and by the way, those numbers don’t include: (1) Any custom apps the company has …

Visible and invisible tech stacks, and the upsides and downsides of “shadow IT” in martech and beyond Continue Reading »

5 Rings of a Tech Stack

Can martech data be unified, federated, and siloed all at the same time? Yes, and each serves a purpose

First, one more reminder: please take our Martech Composability Survey this week. When you see the questions, I think you’ll agree that having a statistically significant dataset for a “no BS” view of this topic would be super valuable for the whole martech community. We’ll share the full results publicly. But we need your participation. Please and thank you! I’ve been adovcating the benefits of aggregation platforms in martech stacks for a couple of years …

Can martech data be unified, federated, and siloed all at the same time? Yes, and each serves a purpose Continue Reading »

Martech Data Stack Architecture

Well, SaaS tech stacks shrank from 2023 to 2024… but only by 8%. You were expecting more?

First, a quick ask: please take this 5-minute survey on martech composability. We’ll share the full results back with everyone. I bet it will be very interesting. Thank you! Okay, back to today’s post… I prefer empircal data over gut-feel prognostications. For 12 years, I’ve been told that SaaS in general — and martech in particular — is going to dramatically consolidate. People can be quite vehement in such predictions. Yet year over year over …

Well, SaaS tech stacks shrank from 2023 to 2024… but only by 8%. You were expecting more? Continue Reading »

SaaS Tech Stack Size 2023 to 2024

The 2024 Stackie Awards are now open for entries — share a slide of your martech stack, everybody wins

It’s that time of the year. The Northern hemisphere looks forward to spring. The Southern hemisphere looks forward to fall. And everybody in martech and marketing operations looks forward to the annual Stackie Awards. This will be our 10th edition of The Stackies: Marketing Tech Stack Awards. Wow, a decade of hundreds of martech stack slides: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. We’d love for you to join this martech community tradition with us this year. To enter …

The 2024 Stackie Awards are now open for entries — share a slide of your martech stack, everybody wins Continue Reading »

2024 Stackie Awards

Developer vs. non-developer is the wrong divide; what matters with no-code is knowing what you’re doing

Dear marketing readers: hang in with me here. I have a point. Promise. I started programming as a kid, writing multiplayer games for dial-up bulletin board systems (BBSs) — a precursor to the web and social media as we know it today. It was the late 80’s, early 90’s, and I mostly wrote in a language called C, with some occasional high-performance components written in 8086 Assembly language. For those of you who aren’t software …

Developer vs. non-developer is the wrong divide; what matters with no-code is knowing what you’re doing Continue Reading »

Developer vs. Non-Developer Is The Wrong Divide

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