August 2023

Martech utilization problems: how to diagnose and remedy them

Martech utilization sucks. At least that’s the conclusion one draws from Gartner’s latest 2023 Marketing Technology Survey, which includes the above chart. “Thinking about the totality of the capabilities made available by marketing technology, what percentage of those capabilities are being utilized by your company today?” The average response to that question has dropped steadily for the past four years, from 58% in 2020, to 42% in 2022, to a dismal 33% here in 2023. …

Martech utilization problems: how to diagnose and remedy them Continue Reading »

Martech Utilization Diagnosis and Remedies

Martech stacks and staff are stabilizing, thanks to both better integration and budget pressure

One of the most interesting annual martech surveys out there is the Martech Replacement Survey produced by the team at (Kudos to Chris Elwell, whose brainchild this was.) Every year they ask marketers: They also ask about commercial vs. homegrown martech, what the approval process was like, and how the replacement affected staff. Did existing employees get retrained or were new staff or service providers added? Having run the survey for the past four …

Martech stacks and staff are stabilizing, thanks to both better integration and budget pressure Continue Reading »

Martech Replacement Factors

Conway’s Law vs. Inverse Conway’s Law and the future of build vs. buy in martech

I’ve floated the idea of an Inverse Conway’s Law in previous posts before, but only in passing. So today I want to fully describe the concept, because I believe it is a useful way to understand some of the current challenges in martech — and why it may drive a major shift in marketing software in the AI Era. Conway’s Law (broad interpretation) To understand Inverse Conway’s Law, you first need to understand Conway’s Law. …

Conway’s Law vs. Inverse Conway’s Law and the future of build vs. buy in martech Continue Reading »

Degrees of Freedom in Digital Operations: Inverse Conway's Law to Conway's Law

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