Scott Brinker

Using Scrumban (Scrum + Kanban) for agile marketing

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Verone, the Director of Marketing & Product Operations at Gogo, the public company that provides in-flight Internet service on many major airlines and private business aircraft. I was giving a presentation on marketing trends inspired by technology and technology culture, and I included a section talking about agile marketing. As with almost all of my talks and writing on the subject, I emphasized Scrum as …

Using Scrumban (Scrum + Kanban) for agile marketing Continue Reading »

Scrumban Poster

First look at the MarTech 2015 San Francisco agenda…

We’re about 95% complete with the agenda for the next MarTech, taking place in San Francisco this spring, March 31 – April 1. But I’m so excited about how this is shaping up, that I can’t wait any longer to give you a first look at the program. First, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who responded to our call for speakers. We were blown away by the amazing suggestions that people …

First look at the MarTech 2015 San Francisco agenda… Continue Reading »

MarTech 2015 Speaker Logos

Merkle’s CMTO on new kinds of marketing, tech, agencies

Merkle and I were both born in 1971. Crikey, a lot has changed since then. In 1971, Apollo 14 landed on the moon, the third Apollo mission to do so. An incredible feat of engineering — and also, if you read David Meerman Scott’s Marketing the Moon, a massive accomplishment in marketing too. But now we carry around the computing power of that spaceship in our smartphones. (Although some would say the iPhone 6+ is …

Merkle’s CMTO on new kinds of marketing, tech, agencies Continue Reading »

A whirlygig tour of content marketing software

This is a guest post written by Dong Liu of VentureScanner. I was impressed with their research on the many categories of marketing technology, and invited them to give us a helicopter tour of one particularly popular subcategory, content marketing. A recent study by ContentPlus shows that 70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company through articles as opposed to through ads. Indeed, with the growing importance of content in attracting new customers and …

A whirlygig tour of content marketing software Continue Reading »

Content Marketing Landscape

What will happen with marketing technology in 2015?

Welcome to prediction season, again! It doesn’t take a crystal ball to know you’re going to be inundated over the next 30 days with people prophesying your future — at least your future in marketing for the year ahead. Personally, I subscribe to Yogi Berra’s worldview, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” (Variations of which are sometimes attributed to Niels Bohr.) Most of the so-called predictions we’ll hear in the month ahead …

What will happen with marketing technology in 2015? Continue Reading »

Predicting the Future of Marketing Technology in 2015

If a 173-year-old public company can digitally transform, what’s your excuse?

“Digital transformation” is a phrase that we hear a lot of these days. But it’s not something that you can simply buy with a stack of marketing software. It requires a deeper change to the strategy, structure, and culture of an organization — something that’s easier said than done. Which is why it’s always inspiring to me to hear stories of people and companies who have successfully navigated true digital transformation. One of them is …

If a 173-year-old public company can digitally transform, what’s your excuse? Continue Reading »

6 questions with the most active VC in marketing tech

Why is this man smiling? Well, if your firm had invested in Omniture, ExactTarget, Marketo, BlueKai, Tealium, Sprinklr, Neolane, Optimizely, Bazaarvoice, BrightEdge, and a stack of other successful marketing technology companies, you’d be smiling too. Neeraj Agrawal is a general partner at Battery Ventures, arguably the most active venture capital firm in marketing technology. I became aware of just how big of a footprint they have in this space when reviewing the data provided by …

6 questions with the most active VC in marketing tech Continue Reading »

Neeraj Agrawal

The Frame and the Field: the art of making marketing technology decisions

I want to share an idea with you that’s been in my head for a while. It may sound fairly obvious — and perhaps it is, to most of you. It is how I’ve seen people make choices with marketing technology that materially alters the outcome. But I suspect that they’re not always consciously aware of it. I call it: the frame and the field. The Frame: The Label That Shapes Your Decision Space The …

The Frame and the Field: the art of making marketing technology decisions Continue Reading »

The Frame and the Field

Come join us in San Francisco for MarTech 2015

I’m feeling giddy again. We’re in the middle of programming the agenda for the next MarTech conference, which will take place in San Francisco on March 31 – April 1, 2015, and I’m already floored by the first wave of speakers who have confirmed their participation — and amazed by the incredible suggestions coming in from our open call-for-presenters. A huge thank you to all who have submitted ideas. You’re making our job of selecting …

Come join us in San Francisco for MarTech 2015 Continue Reading »

MarTech 2014

A beauty contest for marketing clouds, but buyers resist monogamy

Apologies for that metaphor — admittedly wrong on so many levels. But bear with me. Last week, Forrester announced their “wave” report for enterprise-class marketing clouds. Officially, it was a report on enterprise marketing software suites (EMSS). But since at least half of the vendors evaluated refer to their offering as a “marketing cloud,” it is popularly framed as part of the epic of our time, Star Wars: Episode VII — The Marketing Cloud Wars. …

A beauty contest for marketing clouds, but buyers resist monogamy Continue Reading »

Buyer Pains for Marketing Clouds

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