The cloud threatens creative destruction for IT

The winds of change are blowing through IT, and it’s not a gentle summer breeze. Earlier this month, Hewlett-Packard announced they were cutting 9,000 IT jobs. They’re consolidating their data centers and making them far more automated, as more advanced software and hardware eliminates the need for so many hands-on system and network administrators. This isn’t a case of HP shutting down a business. They’re still going strong as a provider of IT infrastructure services …

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When marketing optimization feels like extortion

Forgive me for this rant, but I hope this will be helpful as an example of how short-sighted, overly aggressive marketing optimization techniques can backfire with long-term brand damage. I’ve been a customer for about 10 years now. I know, some of you will instantly point out that they’re one of the most expensive domain registrars out there. I’ve known that in the back of my head for a while. But I don’t register …

When marketing optimization feels like extortion Continue Reading »

3 nimble trends changing content and marketing

Razorfish just released a great new report, Nimble: Publishing in the Digital Age, written by Rachel Lovinger. The target audience is clearly large publishers and mega media companies, but there are important trends here that are relevant to everyone who thinks of distributing content on the web — e.g., anyone in marketing. The three key points that pop out to me — particularly because I keep seeing them in a lot of posts and discussions …

3 nimble trends changing content and marketing Continue Reading »

The Marketing Technology Manifesto

I continue to receive terrific feedback about my presentation and essay on the rise of the marketing technologist — thank you to everyone who has contributed comments, anecdotes, and ideas. The pent up desire for marketing to take control of its technological destiny is clearly bursting at the seams. You’ve inspired me to take that 3,000 word essay and 54 slide presentation and try to boil it down to its essence, in 153 words. In …

The Marketing Technology Manifesto Continue Reading »

Trust, brands, and the marketing dashboard of the future

This week, I ran a pilot of my latest study for improving trust in online advertising — the first time I’ve run an experiment with human subjects physically in the lab. Two thoughts I wanted to share from the experience: First, don’t ever underestimate the power of brands. I’ll share more about that once we finish the study. But search marketers in particular, I cannot stress this enough: brands are immensely influential in the context …

Trust, brands, and the marketing dashboard of the future Continue Reading »

3 big picture marketing themes from #ConvCon

Last week was the inaugural Conversion Conference (#ConvCon), a new event organized by landing page optimization expert Tim Ash and co-located with the eMetrics marketing optimization summit. While there were plenty of terrific sessions on landing pages and conversion optimization — my post-click marketing craft and trade at ion — three larger marketing themes emerged that I want to share with you. Theme #1: Agile Marketing In conversion optimization — what marketers do to increase …

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15 sessions on marketing and the semantic web

Looking for a conference that really pushes the envelope of digital marketing? Last year, I gave a talk at the Semantic Technology Conference on marketing in the semantic web. At the time, the topic was in its infancy. But as predicted, a lot happens in one year. This June, at the 2010 Semantic Technology Conference in San Francisco, there is now a whole track dedicated to this subject, Marketing in the Web 3.0 World. And, …

15 sessions on marketing and the semantic web Continue Reading »

Crowd sourced ads in Google — outside Google’s control

What if you could enhance your ads in Google with collective intelligence — without going through Google? Earlier this month, browser bookmark extension company Xmarks unveiled their plans to monetize their business with a service called SearchBoost. They take the idea of Google including ratings in ads to a whole new a level. Here’s how it works: Xmarks is a free browser add-on for Firefox, IE, Safari, and Chrome. It was originally designed to synchronize …

Crowd sourced ads in Google — outside Google’s control Continue Reading »

20 years of massive development in marketing (a metaphor)

Thank you for all the positive feedback on Rise of the Marketing Technologist. It’s been inspiring to hear so many stories of people who are already working as de facto marketing technologists — one of whom called my proposal for a marketing CTO their “dream job.” This bolsters my belief that the talent and skill set for such marketing technology leadership is out there, eager to contribute at the next level up. To motivate such …

20 years of massive development in marketing (a metaphor) Continue Reading »

Rise of the Marketing Technologist

Last week, I gave my talk at Search Insider Summit on the Rise of the Marketing Technologist. Based on the positive feedback I received from brands, agencies, and technology vendors alike, it apparently resonated deeply. So, first, I’d like to share the slide presentation with you: Rise of the Marketing Technologist from Scott Brinker However, since slides can’t capture the full dynamics of the presentation, I thought I would follow with an essay version of …

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