April 2015

8 tips for marketing tech companies on pitching CMOs

The following is a guest post written by Ashu Garg, general partner at Foundation Capital, with special advice from Julie Bernstein, COO for Stitch Fix and former CMO at Sephora. Ashu is the author of MarTech and the Decade of the CMO. I get pitched all the time — and I’ve heard it all. From the good to the bad, to the disastrous. As an early stage investor in martech companies, it’s part of my …

8 tips for marketing tech companies on pitching CMOs Continue Reading »

Pitching marketing technology to the CMO

Call-for-speakers for MarTech Europe — share your brain

The marketing technology industry — now affectionately called “martech” — is truly a global phenomenon. We’re seeing tremendous marketing innovation across every region of the world. And while some of the dynamics of this new brand of marketing are universal, many of the most creative and interesting ideas emerge from the adaptation of these new capabilities in different cultures and markets. That is one of the primary reasons that I am so incredibly excited for …

Call-for-speakers for MarTech Europe — share your brain Continue Reading »

MarTech Europe

I’m sorry, but marketing software is still a world in flux

I’m sorry. I know a lot of people wish that the marketing technology merry-go-round would slow down and consolidate. And I fully appreciate why that’s desirable. Unfortunately, the evidence I keep encountering says we’re not there yet. Here are a few points on the curve that I’ve recently come across that suggest that marketing software remains a sector of frothy innovation: 1. Social Relationship Platforms (SRP). We’ve come a long way from simple social media …

I’m sorry, but marketing software is still a world in flux Continue Reading »

Point Solutions vs. Suites in Social Relationship Platforms

A 2-sided silver bullet for marketing and sales alignment?

Disclaimer: I wear two hats, professionally speaking. With one hat, I write this blog and chair the MarTech conference series — both of which I try to run with a vendor-agnostic editorial viewpoint. However, with my other hat, I am also the co-founder and CTO of a marketing software company, ion interactive. While I rarely write about ion interactive here (my last such post was nearly a year ago), I do occasionally “cross the streams” …

A 2-sided silver bullet for marketing and sales alignment? Continue Reading »

Digital Dialogue and the Sales Pipeline

9 big takeaways from last week’s #MarTech conference

Wow. Last week’s MarTech Conference was an awe-inspiring two and a half days for me. I am immensely grateful to the 29 speakers, 67 exhibitors and sponsors, and over 1,100 attendees who joined together in San Francisco to share their experiences and ideas on the state of marketing technology. It is springtime in martech, and I was a marketing nerd in heaven. This second MarTech event grew more than double the size of the first, …

9 big takeaways from last week’s #MarTech conference Continue Reading »

Tony Ralph from Netflix at MarTech

Microsoft announces acquisition of chiefmartec.com

UPDATE: Okay, okay, the jig is up. Way too many people have been genuinely congratulating me on this “acquisition.” Apparently, I am terrible at this whole April Fool’s thing — or too good at it? — as it’s not supposed to be that believable. Anyway, I’ll leave this up for posterity’s sake, but just to be completely blunt: everything below was completely made up. I love the good folks at Microsoft, but we’re not married. …

Microsoft announces acquisition of chiefmartec.com Continue Reading »

Microsoft Acquires chiefmartec.com on April 1, 2015

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