January 2018

Team behind Microsoft’s marketing stack visualization tackle blockchain martech

Marketing technology, great visualizations, disruptive innovation — these are a few of my favorite things. So I was delighted when Jeremy Posvar and Todd Wells — the two fellows who shared Microsoft’s marketing tech stack in last year’s Stackies awards — reached out to share a paper they had created to help explain blockchain in marketing with their visual explanation skills. You can download a copy of their paper right here — no “fill out …

Team behind Microsoft’s marketing stack visualization tackle blockchain martech Continue Reading »

Blockchain Martech Stack of the Future

How does a marketing tech stack evolve over time?

We just opened up The Stackies 2018: Marketing Tech Stack Awards, and I’m delighted to share with you our very first entry. The above graphic represents the evolving marketing tech stack of a small-to-midsize financial services firm over a period of five years. It was created by John Schott, who is now a technical solutions professional for Microsoft Dynamics 365. This is why I love The Stackies: every year, participants share new ways of looking …

How does a marketing tech stack evolve over time? Continue Reading »

Martech Stack Evolving Over Time

Share your marketing tech stack, and we’ll donate up to $10,000 to Girls in Tech

The Stackies 2018: Marketing Tech Stack Awards are now open for entries, and we’d love to have you participate. If you haven’t heard of The Stackies before, this is — in my, um, humble opinion — the coolest awards program in marketing. (The Clios are so-last-century.) What makes it so cool is that this isn’t a vanity award, but an educational program: everyone in the marketing community gets to benefit from all of the entries. …

Share your marketing tech stack, and we’ll donate up to $10,000 to Girls in Tech Continue Reading »

The Stackies 2018: Marketing Tech Stack Awards

11 Habits of Highly Effective Marketing Technologists

The following is a guest post by Anand Thaker, CEO of IntelliPhi and my co-collaborator on the marketing technology landscape since last year. He’ll be a keynote speaker at the upcoming MarTech West conference in San Jose, April 23-25. Even three years after Scott Brinker and Laura McLellan’s HBR article on The Rise of the Chief Marketing Technologist, the space continues to still see tremendous growth both in size and breadth. During the same time, …

11 Habits of Highly Effective Marketing Technologists Continue Reading »

Marketing Technologists Climbing to the Top of Martech Achievement

The ground truth of marketing technology: our agenda for MarTech West, April 23-25 in San Jose

We’ve just unveiled the agenda for MarTech West, which is expanding this year to the San Jose Convention Center, April 23-25. I’m incredibly excited by how the program is shaping up and the topics we’ll be covering, from the state-of-the-art in AI to the state-of-the-world with GDPR. If you’re an executive or senior practitioner at the intersection of marketing, technology, and management, you’ll want to a check it out. For instance, here are some of …

The ground truth of marketing technology: our agenda for MarTech West, April 23-25 in San Jose Continue Reading »

MarTech West: Marketing Technology Management

The one thing everybody forgets about Gartner’s hype cycle, even in martech

The Gartner hype cycle is one of the more brilliant insights ever uncovered in the history of technology. I rank it right up there with Moore’s Law and Christensen’s model of disruptive innovation from below. Gartner’s hype cycle describes a 5-stage pattern that almost all new technologies follow: A technology trigger introduces new possibilities — things like AI, chatbots, AR/VR, blockchain, etc. — which capture the imagination and create a rapid rise in expectations. (“Big …

The one thing everybody forgets about Gartner’s hype cycle, even in martech Continue Reading »

Opportunities in Gartner's Hype Cycle

5 Disruptions to Marketing, Part 4: Digital Everything (2018 Update)

This is part 4 of a five-part series, providing an update on the 5 Disruptions to Marketing as we head into 2018. If you have not yet read Part 1: Digital Transformation (2018 Update), Part 2: Microservices & APIs (2018 Update), or Part 3: Vertical Competition (2018 Update), you might want to start there. 4. DIGITAL EVERYTHING (2018 Update) For the first half of the Internet revolution, “digital” meant the web. Email was there from …

5 Disruptions to Marketing, Part 4: Digital Everything (2018 Update) Continue Reading »

5 Disruptions to Marketing, Part 4: Digital Everything (2018 Update)

3 New Year’s resolutions for your martech stack in 2018

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Ready to get to work? We interrupt our series on the 5 disruptions to marketing (2018) to bring you these three resolutions for getting the most out of your marketing technology stack in the year ahead — along with specific ideas for implementing them successfully. 1. Rationalize your martech stack. I love the term “rationalize” because the root of the word means to be …

3 New Year’s resolutions for your martech stack in 2018 Continue Reading »

Martech Stack Resolutions for 2018

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