We’ve just unveiled the agenda for MarTech West, which is expanding this year to the San Jose Convention Center, April 23-25.
I’m incredibly excited by how the program is shaping up and the topics we’ll be covering, from the state-of-the-art in AI to the state-of-the-world with GDPR. If you’re an executive or senior practitioner at the intersection of marketing, technology, and management, you’ll want to a check it out.
For instance, here are some of the amazing keynotes we have lined up:
- Sandy Carter, VP at Amazon Web Services, chairman of the board for Girls in Tech, four-time author, adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon in Silicon Valley, and a pioneering leader at the intersection of marketing and technology, who will share insights into how Amazon drives innovation.
- Madeline Delianides, who was most recently the executive director of marketing technology, creative production & operations at The New York Times, will discuss Driving Evolution in a Complex, Distributed Environment from her experience at the paper and previously at American Express and Oppenheimer.
- Holly Rollo, the CMO of RSA, will share important recommendations on dealing with The 6th Big Disruption to Marketing: Privacy & Security — especially with data hacking on the rise and the GDPR going into effect.
- Adelyn Zhou, the CMO of TOPBOTS and author of Applied Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots, will share her insights into the good the AI and chatbot revolution that is sweeping the marketing industry.
- Jason Heller, partner and global lead of digital marketing operations and technology at McKinsey & Company will present Beyond the Hype: Harnessing the Real Power of Unified Data and AI in Marketing.
I’ll also deliver a keynote presentation on The 2018 State of MarTech with my research collaborator Anand Thaker of IntelliPhi. If want to know how the marketing technology landscape is really evolving — and what it means for your business — this will be your opportunity to get the answers ahead of the rest of the industry.
And those are just the keynotes. We’ll also have two full days of in-depth sessions across three tracks — Marketing, Technology, and Management — with candid presentations from digital leaders at Aetna, Alert Logic, CDP Institute, City National Bank, DonorsChoose.org, Epsilon, HashiCorp, Intel, Intuit, LogMeIn, L’Oréal, Madrona Ventures, Medtronic, Oracle, Palo Alto Networks, Real Story Group, Red Hat, Redpoint Ventures, Reduxio Systems, T-Mobile, Visier, VMWare, and more.
MarTech is the world’s leading vendor-agnostic conference on the dynamics of marketing technology management. The editorial agenda is designed around what works in marketing technology, for real brands in the real world, without any vendor-influenced ulterior motives.
As I discussed in my post last week, the gaps between hype and reality in marketing technology are actually opportunities to outsmart your competitors.
My goal in programming the MarTech conference is to help reveal the ground truth in marketing technology: what’s real, what’s hype, and what genuinely moves the needle for marketing in a digital world.
If you’re interested in the topics covered on the MarTech agenda, register for the conference by January 27 to lock-in our early bird rates and save $500.
It’s going to be a spectacular event — I hope to see you there.