August 2018

Martech Olympics: Even just the UK Marketing Technology Landscape has 417 companies

In the beginning, there was the first marketing technology landscape. And then it grew. And grew. And grew. And grew. And grew. And, yes, this year it grew again. To be honest, there were a number of things about this slightly obsessive exercise of mine that surprised me over the years. For instance: I was surprised that it grew as much as it did as fast as it did. I was surprised that it became …

Martech Olympics: Even just the UK Marketing Technology Landscape has 417 companies Continue Reading »

UK Marketing Technology Landscape

The 4 Forces of Marketing Operations & Technology

As I’ve been preparing for the upcoming MarTech conference in Boston, I have been thinking about the fundamental forces that marketing technology and operation professionals wrangle in their work. I believe there are two overarching challenges in marketing operations today: Our environment is continuously changing, often quite rapidly. We have to gracefully balance opposing concepts and objectives. The struggle of continuous change is something that I’ve discussed previously with Martec’s Law, what I consider to …

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4 Forces of Marketing Operations and Technology

1 in 40 of the Inc. 5000 are martech companies

This article was co-written with Anand Thaker, my collaborator on the marketing technology landscape. Inc. Magazine’s annual list of the 5,000 fastest growing companies in the U.S., the Inc. 5000, was just released for 2018. Out of those 5,000, 2.64% of them are martech companies that appeared on this year’s marketing technology landscape, e.g., the Martech 5000. Now, 2.64% might not seem like a very large percentage, but when you consider that’s out of every …

1 in 40 of the Inc. 5000 are martech companies Continue Reading »

Martech Companies on the 2018 Inc. 5000

The next level of marketing maturity on stage at MarTech this October

I’m going to declare that, as of August 2018, martech has crossed a threshold in maturity. And by martech, I mean the grand view of martech, the convergence of marketing, technology, and management practices across industries — and the hybrid marketing leaders who are driving the strategy and operations of that convergence. Sure, the marketing technology landscape has advanced tremendously over the past year. I think we’re finally getting our head around the paradox of …

The next level of marketing maturity on stage at MarTech this October Continue Reading »

MarTech East 2018 Agenda

Bots and automation don’t automagically create a great customer experience

The alliterated alternate title for this post could be: Tickets, Tools, and Taylor Swift — One Father’s Afternoon in Automated Customer Experience Purgatory. Subtitle: a small case study of anti-patterns for customer experience bots and automation. My daughter turned 10 this year. As a present, my wife and I agreed to take her to her first big pop concert, a stadium tour by Taylor Swift. (Don’t judge. Or, if you do, know that I’ll simply …

Bots and automation don’t automagically create a great customer experience Continue Reading »

Chatbot Hell

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