September 2018

3 thoughts on Adobe acquiring Marketo for $4.75 billion and what it means for martech

The deal was announced yesterday afternoon: Adobe is acquiring Marketo for $4.75 billion. (As fate would have it, it was just a few hours before I was speaking at a MOCCA marketing operations event in New York on the topic of martech industry trends — to be followed by a Q&A with Sarah Kennedy Ellis, Marketo’s CMO, and Jill Rowley, Marketo’s growth maestro and legendary martech industry force of nature. It was a fun evening …

3 thoughts on Adobe acquiring Marketo for $4.75 billion and what it means for martech Continue Reading »

Adobe Acquires Marketo for Martech Consolidation

22 blockchain-based adtech/martech companies you should know

The following is a guest article by Donny Dvorin, general manager of Never Stop Marketing Research, a leading analysis and consulting group focused on blockchain martech providers. Jeremy Epstein, the CEO of Never Stop Marketing, will be keynoting the MarTech conference this October 1-3 in Boston. It was clear to anyone who attended one of the many talks — or screaming matches — touching on blockchain at Cannes this year that a major technology debate …

22 blockchain-based adtech/martech companies you should know Continue Reading »

Blockchain Adtech & Martech Companies

Martech companies talk customer-centricity, but can they be customer-centric?

A ton of marketing technology is sold today as the solution to delivering better customer experiences. Of course, martech doesn’t automagically create great customer experiences any more than a food processor automagically makes you a great chef. It depends on how you wield it. And, frankly, the most important elements of customer experience have nothing to do with technology at all. They have to do with the choices a company makes about how to treat …

Martech companies talk customer-centricity, but can they be customer-centric? Continue Reading »

The HubSpot Customer Code

The CMO Council asked 8 good, hard questions about marketing technology management

The following interview was originally published by the CMO Council in the August 2018 edition of their Marketing Magnified e-journal. They asked me eight great questions about martech for marketing executives. These are my suggestions in reply. 1. How would you characterize the state of marketing technology discovery, qualification, implementation and use in global enterprises today? In many ways, we’re living in the golden age of marketing technology. There’s a jaw-dropping amount of innovation happen …

The CMO Council asked 8 good, hard questions about marketing technology management Continue Reading »

CMO Council Martech Interview

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