Better than “If pigs could fly…” I guess

I’ve had an AT&T iPhone for several years now, and I must confess, the service in Boston and New York has been pretty poor. Dropped calls, weak signals — the usual complaints. Which is why I found this ad in the San Francisco airport amusing: “If There Really Were a Camelot, AT&T Would Have You Covered.” I presume the intent of the ad was to imply that AT&T could provide coverage anywhere. But an equally …

Better than “If pigs could fly…” I guess Continue Reading »

75% of CMOs rearranging their teams in 2011

A colleague recently alerted me to an article in Marketing Week that shares new data from a Forrester report by Chris Stutzman: An astonishing 75% of chief marketing officers plan to rearrange their teams by the end of this year, according to a study seen exclusively by Marketing Week. Why? Because new forms of media and communications are having such a fundamental effect on business that the customer is closer to becoming king than ever …

75% of CMOs rearranging their teams in 2011 Continue Reading »

If it’s in an infographic, it must be true

Making the rounds on Twitter is a hilarious “infographic” by and, Why Apples Are Better Than Oranges, satirizing half a dozen different ways in which data, statistics, and visualization can be — and often are — thoroughly abused. As the soft art of marketing has been juxtaposed with the mathematical precision of analytics, fascinating hybrids of evidence and imagination have proliferated — often wrapped in very pretty illustrations. Want to keep yourself and …

If it’s in an infographic, it must be true Continue Reading »

The tyranny of consumerization. Really?

A headline on Computerworld this morning caught my eye: Apple’s iPad 2 provokes IT anxiety. I can imagine the iPad stirring up a lot of reactions — including mere indifference — but anxiety? That seems incongruous. Unless maybe you’re HP, Motorola or Samsung. But the article starts off with, “As exciting as the new iPad 2 is bound to be for both consumers and business users, some IT executives who will have to support the …

The tyranny of consumerization. Really? Continue Reading »

Visualizing marketing analytics with Tableau

Wow. Yesterday, I saw a demo of Tableau, a software package for doing “visual analysis” of databases and other raw datasets. I was amazed. That is one of the coolest pieces of software I have ever seen. In a nutshell, Tableau makes it incredibly easy to visualize the patterns and relationships in just about any dataset you point it at. These visualizations are largely driven by drag-and-drop and let you quickly explore and analyze data …

Visualizing marketing analytics with Tableau Continue Reading »

A Rubik’s Cube structure for the marketing department

In case you haven’t seen it yet, Chris Kuenne wrote a terrific guest editorial in Ad Age a couple of weeks ago: Four Talent Categories You Need to Win in a Connected World. This is one of the best articles I’ve read yet that focuses on how the structure of the marketing organization needs to — and is finally starting to — change. He makes an apt analogy comparing the old approach to football teams …

A Rubik’s Cube structure for the marketing department Continue Reading »

A marketing-math geek’s formula for success

Want to know the formula for success? Here it is: This was published by marketing metrics master Pat LaPointe earlier this week in his Metrics Insider column. Read the full article for his accompanying explanation and insight. Success is the sum of all your experience finding insights, transforming them into action, and trying to create more value than the resources you consume in the process. And then all of this is raised to the power …

A marketing-math geek’s formula for success Continue Reading »

Mashing media, advertising and technology (interview)

I lived in New York City for about five years, and if I had to name one thing about the city that I loved most, it was its energy. The city just crackles with creativity and drive. Our inaugural marketing technologist interview was with New Yorker Jonathan Mendez, who in turn, introduced me to today’s metropolis-based interviewee: Darren Herman. Like Jonathan, Darren is a multi-faceted marketing technologist: an entrepreneur, an early-stage venture investor, and the …

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Looking for an amazing marketing technologist

I’m looking to hire an amazing marketing technologist. As my company — ion interactive — grows, we’re finding that there’s a gap between our account service team and our engineering team. The account service group are primarily marketers, teaching other marketers how to implement successful post-click marketing with our product, LiveBall. The engineering team are primarily software developers, building the product. But between those two realms, there’s a space to provide support and services to …

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Content marketing + conversion optimization

I’m a big believer in the power of “intersections,” as described by Frans Johansson in his inspiring book on innovation, The Medici Effect. The intersection of marketing and the-domain-formerly-known-as-IT is one, of course. But recently I’ve also been exploring some fascinating ideas by mixing concepts from the 131 different kinds of marketing. Often, many of these subdisciplines of marketing grow independently of each other. Ultimately, however, they’re all focused on building connections and bonds with …

Content marketing + conversion optimization Continue Reading »