Marketing Software

Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2012)

UPDATE: The 2020 Marketing Technology Landscape is now available. Marketing is in a whirlwind of technological innovation. It’s thrilling, inspiring, and a little dizzying. Last year, I made the first version of a marketing technology landscape infographic to try to glimpse the “big picture” of this broad field. I’m pleased to now share with you the all-new 2012 version of this supergraphic above (click to open a large version that’s actually readable). Its purpose is …

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We are the 1% (of global marketing spend)

Marketers will spend about $1 trillion this year on external costs: everything from advertising of every kind, marketing services such as direct mail and lead generation, agency fees, data and intelligence such as market research, and — at the very bottom of the stack — software and technology. In 2012, marketing technology will account for only 1% of marketing spend. According to a recent report by research analyst Dan Salmon, the amount spent on software …

We are the 1% (of global marketing spend) Continue Reading »

Imagine 20 different technologies integrated into your website

How many different solutions do you estimate you have integrated to support your website capabilities today? How many do you anticipate you will have integrated into your website 2 years from now? For eCommerce professionals, the answers are surprising: 42% have 10 or more solutions integrated in their sites today 69% expect 10 or more solutions integrated in their sites within 2 years 31% expect 20 or more solutions integrated in their sites within 2 …

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Marketing technology: suite, platform, or portfolio?

This is a follow-up to my post on why marketing software will never be like ERP (but it’s still going to be a ridiculously huge, multi-billion dollar industry). The marketing technology landscape continues to expand and evolve at a breakneck pace. But while its vibrancy is in large part due to a fertile environment for start-ups, the hundreds of billions of dollars at stake in this reincarnation of the marketing industry has attracted the attention …

Marketing technology: suite, platform, or portfolio? Continue Reading »

The marketing technology ecosystem wheel

Experian — another one of those multi-billion dollar companies engaged in enterprise marketing — released their 2012 Digital Marketer Trend and Benchmark Report earlier this week. Right up in the front of this hefty 154-page report is a spread on understanding the marketing technology ecosystem — which is clearly the substrate upon which modern marketing is being built. Experian includes a couple of great infographics that help visualize all of the different pieces in that …

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Why marketing software will never be like ERP

I ran across a thought-provoking article earlier this week on GigaOm — Marketing is the next big money sector in technology — by Ajay Agarwal of Bain Capital Ventures. It begins with the reference to the Gartner report from December the suggested by 2017, CMOs will have larger technology budgets than CIOs, which is a great place to start. Ajay predicts that a new wave of companies leveraging big data for the benefit of driving …

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Marketing as an object-oriented program?

I ran across an inspiring blog post this week by Jacques Spilka of Whatsnexx, titled Complexity killed marketing automation! (The if-it-bleeds-it-leads school of blog post headlines.) Jacques made two insightful points: 1. Marketing automation programming can get complicated fast First, he cut right to the quick of the challenge of marketing automation: for marketing automation to be really effective, it needs to be wielded by the marketer, not by the marketing automation expert. Most marketing …

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The Marketing Technology Frenemy Triangle

The title of an article in last week’s AdAge Digital was Tech-Consulting Giants Slide Closer to Creative-Shop Turf. The subhead read, “Deloitte, Accenture are among big IT players looking to learn digital biz of marketing brands to consumers.” You can almost hear the sound of cappuccino being sneezed out in a Madison Avenue office somewhere. Brian Whipple, the CEO of Accenture Interactive, was quoted as saying, “Clients, in my view, are finding it more credible …

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2011 was a big year for marketing technology

The Jordan, Edmiston Group, Inc. (JEGI), a leading investment bank in the marketing space, issued a report yesterday of 2011 M&A activity across media, information, marketing services and technology sectors. JEGI reports that those sectors “saw nearly 900 transactions in 2011 totaling $47 billion, a 9% rise over 2010.” From a marketing technology perspective, the marketing and interactive services sector is the most interesting, which had “291 transactions announced at a total value of $15.1 …

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You are what you don’t automate

“You are what you don’t automate,” one of ion’s engineers commented in a meeting the other day. It was in the context of a series of time consuming, manual steps that had to be done for a particular task. He attributed the adage to super-programmer Jeff Atwood, although I’ve not been able to find the reference. It struck me as a brilliant way to frame the challenge of marketing automation. See, in software engineering, most …

You are what you don’t automate Continue Reading »

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