Scott Brinker

The new three-way: CIO, CMO & Agency

Good article on AdAge this morning, Friends With (Digital) Benefits: CMOs Link With CIOs. The article includes several great anecdotes, from both agencies and brands, talking about the increased frequency of three-way meetings — the CMO, the CIO, and the agency — all collaborating together: Agencies, especially those involved with digital work, say they’re increasingly taking meetings with both the CIO and CMO. Marketers in retail, financial services and media have been among the first …

The new three-way: CIO, CMO & Agency Continue Reading »

3 takeaways on advertising and trust from Nielsen

Dave Chaffey curated a great graphic from Nielsen’s most recent report on Trends in Advertising Spend and Effectiveness: As a visualization of Nielsen’s Global Online Survey of U.S. Internet consumers from Q1, there’s a lot of insight embedded here. Of course, recommendations from people I know leads by a mile — 76% of people trust those kind of “earned ads.” Word-of-mouth and referrals remain the bedrock of building a brand. And as Dave rightly pointed …

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Marketing lessons from the CrunchFund controversy

This may be inside baseball, but I am mesmerized by the drama playing out at TechCrunch right now — and I can’t help but see a metaphor for the shift of marketing within it. The short version: TechCrunch is world’s most popular tech blog, acquired last year by AOL/Huffington Post, but largely permitted to retain its editorial independence. Founder Michael Arrington, a larger-than-life character on the tech scene, stayed on. However, Mike recently announced he …

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Computational science/computational marketing

This morning I was reading a transcript of a talk the late Jim Gray gave a few years back on eScience: A Transformed Scientific Method, and I was struck by the parallels in our current transformation of marketing. This terrific slide from Jim’s talk sums up the evolution of the paradigms of science: Although the purpose of science has remained constant — just as the purpose of marketing is indifferent to the digital revolution that …

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7 Laws of Technology for Marketers

Not every marketer needs to be a technologist. But given how deeply technology is now entwined in modern marketing, every marketer should be familiar with the essential laws of technology that effect your strategies and operations. Here are seven laws of technology that every marketer should know — along with a few nuggets of techno-culture that make for great beer conversation with the IT department: 1. Moore’s Law The most famous technology law of all …

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Eloqua files for IPO, new bellwether for marketing tech

While much of the marketing world was caught up in the announcement of Steve Jobs’ resignation as the CEO of Apple, e.g., The Meaning of Steve, a much happier piece of marketing news slipped through the commotion: the marketing technology company Eloqua filed to go public with a $100 million IPO. As disclosure, my company, ion interactive, is an Eloqua customer, and many of our customers are also Eloqua customers — we’ve found great synergy …

Eloqua files for IPO, new bellwether for marketing tech Continue Reading »

Why Software Is Eating Marketing

Marc Andreessen had a great essay in The Wall Street Journal yesterday, Why Software Is Eating the World. Remarking on the news from last week that Hewlett-Packard is looking to jettison its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, he makes the case this isn’t a tech bubble — this is the new normal: My own theory is that we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and …

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Amazing graphic of customer experience touchpoints

I’m detecting an exciting shift in the marketing technology landscape — less of an emphasis on back-office analytics, and more of a focus on delivering compelling customer experiences in the front-office. To be sure, analytics support that mission; but they don’t dominate it. I think this is a really important step forward. Earlier this month, Brian Walker of Forrester released a report on The Emergence of Customer Experience Management Solutions that discusses some of the …

Amazing graphic of customer experience touchpoints Continue Reading »

We’re all CMOs and CIOs today…

Last month, published a terrific interview with Lisa Arthur, the CMO of marketing technology firm Aprimo, “We’re All CMOs and CIOs.” Here are a couple of excerpts (emphasis added is my own): “The first truth is that most global companies express their fundamental business strategy through IT, and customer experience falls into that,” stated Lisa. “At the same time, business success today is more about marketing than ever before. And marketing is executed through …

We’re all CMOs and CIOs today… Continue Reading »

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