Search Results for: landscape

Agencies and the marketing technologist revolution

Today I’m presenting at Adobe’s Partner Community Day in New York City on the topic of the rise of marketing technologist. This is an updated and extended version of talks I gave last year at Search Insider Summit and Pivot. Since a large number of agencies will be in the audience, I’ll also discuss what this marketing technologist revolution means for them. Here are the slides: Rise of the Marketing Technologist (And What It Means …

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14 marketing technology organizational models

The good news is that, at last, everyone agrees: Marketing technology is now a major dimension of marketing. The marketing department and the IT department must collaborate. The challenge, however, is that beyond those two principles, there is a stunning diversity of opinions for how marketing technology should be managed and exactly what the new collaboration between marketing and IT should look like. I’ve heard from many different companies that are addressing this in very …

14 marketing technology organizational models Continue Reading »

Top 10 Memorable Quotes from the CIO-CMO Forum

Yesterday, I attended Forrester’s inaugural CIO-CMO Forum. Sharyn Leaver, one of the hosts from Forrester, kicked off the event by saying, “This is the first time we’ve brought CIOs and CMOs together in the same room — hope everyone comes out alive.” Nervous laughter. And so began a fascinating day of joint CIO-CMO sessions, with more than its fair share of jokes about IT and marketing stereotypes: marketing is nothing but spin and fluff, and …

Top 10 Memorable Quotes from the CIO-CMO Forum Continue Reading »

Computational science/computational marketing

This morning I was reading a transcript of a talk the late Jim Gray gave a few years back on eScience: A Transformed Scientific Method, and I was struck by the parallels in our current transformation of marketing. This terrific slide from Jim’s talk sums up the evolution of the paradigms of science: Although the purpose of science has remained constant — just as the purpose of marketing is indifferent to the digital revolution that …

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7 Laws of Technology for Marketers

Not every marketer needs to be a technologist. But given how deeply technology is now entwined in modern marketing, every marketer should be familiar with the essential laws of technology that effect your strategies and operations. Here are seven laws of technology that every marketer should know — along with a few nuggets of techno-culture that make for great beer conversation with the IT department: 1. Moore’s Law The most famous technology law of all …

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Eloqua files for IPO, new bellwether for marketing tech

While much of the marketing world was caught up in the announcement of Steve Jobs’ resignation as the CEO of Apple, e.g., The Meaning of Steve, a much happier piece of marketing news slipped through the commotion: the marketing technology company Eloqua filed to go public with a $100 million IPO. As disclosure, my company, ion interactive, is an Eloqua customer, and many of our customers are also Eloqua customers — we’ve found great synergy …

Eloqua files for IPO, new bellwether for marketing tech Continue Reading »

Why Software Is Eating Marketing

Marc Andreessen had a great essay in The Wall Street Journal yesterday, Why Software Is Eating the World. Remarking on the news from last week that Hewlett-Packard is looking to jettison its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, he makes the case this isn’t a tech bubble — this is the new normal: My own theory is that we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and …

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Amazing graphic of customer experience touchpoints

I’m detecting an exciting shift in the marketing technology landscape — less of an emphasis on back-office analytics, and more of a focus on delivering compelling customer experiences in the front-office. To be sure, analytics support that mission; but they don’t dominate it. I think this is a really important step forward. Earlier this month, Brian Walker of Forrester released a report on The Emergence of Customer Experience Management Solutions that discusses some of the …

Amazing graphic of customer experience touchpoints Continue Reading »

Forrester: Establish a marketing technology office

A recent Forrester report on Understanding The Marketing Technology Buying Process (which is also available from Neolane) had a few exciting revelations. Their survey of 137 customer intelligence professionals — whom they see as a new breed of marketer — showed that marketing is now starting to lead the buying process for marketing technologies. I know, that probably sounds obvious — marketing leading marketing technology decisions. It’s like asking who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb? But …

Forrester: Establish a marketing technology office Continue Reading »

From marketing specialties to marketing mash-ups

Written version of my Search Insider Summit presentation today: In the beginning, there was marketing. Simply marketing. Then, in the era of Mad Men, the marketing universe split in two. Suddenly, we had brand marketing, building a brand image, a position in the market — marketing above the fray. Versus direct marketing, right down in the frothy fray of persuading individual prospects to do something, the origin of calls-to-action and conversion rates. Specialized galaxies of …

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