November 2008

Semantic marketing gains mainstream attention: article in Advertising Age

Nice article in AdAge Digital by Marta Strickland of Organic (and editor-in-chief of the wonderful blog ThreeMinds): What the Semantic Web — or Web 3.0 — Can Do for Marketers. Marta does an excellent job summarizing some of the benefits semantic web technologies can have for marketers. Certainly this includes semantic advertising, such as better contextual advertising (e.g., Peer39) and dynamic content in ads (e.g., Dapper MashupAds). But she also draws connections between semantic technologies …

Semantic marketing gains mainstream attention: article in Advertising Age Continue Reading »

Semantic advertising to make the Long Tail manageable

Earlier this month, Dr. Riza C. Berkan, the CEO of semantic search engine Hakia, wrote a great article on iMedia Connection, Why semantics are the future of paid search. In my post on the different kinds of semantic advertising, I mentioned that “advertisers in semantic search may ultimately end up bidding on concepts and relationships rather than keywords or phrases”. Dr. Berkan makes a compelling argument for why that could be a huge boon for …

Semantic advertising to make the Long Tail manageable Continue Reading »

Disruptive innovation in online advertising

Are the creative capabilities of major advertising agencies really being disrupted by online marketing? Here’s one theory. Clay Christensen, Harvard Business School professor and author of bestselling books such as The Innovator’s Dilemma and The Innovator’s Solution, has a model for disruptive innovation. As a particular type of product or service improves over time, its “performance” — i.e., how powerful it is along a certain dimension of capability that buyers care about — eventually overshoots …

Disruptive innovation in online advertising Continue Reading »

Google and WPP marketing research awards

What do you get when you cross Ph.D.’s in marketing with Ph.D.’s in computer science? Hopefully a $50,000 grant from Google and WPP. The two companies recently announced the Google and WPP Marketing Research Awards Program to fund academic research in the following topics of interest: online and offline media interaction relevance and effectiveness measurement audience types and engagement Research questions to be studied might include: How does offline media affect search and vice versa? …

Google and WPP marketing research awards Continue Reading »

Director of Marketing Technology job at a law firm (sample)

Every so often, I do a search for phrases such as director of marketing technology to find companies that are embracing the marketing-technology hybrid model at relatively high levels in their management structure. Like the concept of a chief marketing technologist, these roles aren’t IT jobs with matrix responsibility for a few marketing systems, and they aren’t marketing positions with only superficial responsibility for sourcing related IT. These are equal weight — or much closer …

Director of Marketing Technology job at a law firm (sample) Continue Reading »

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