Scott Brinker

What’s better than a marketing tech stack? Your marketing org stack

We’ve been running The Stackies for three years now, where we’ve invited marketers to send in a single slide that visually illustrates their marketing tech stack. We run it as an awards program and a drive for charity (the last Stackies program raised $7,800 for Girls Who Code), with a little friendly competition and trophies at the end. But its main purpose is to encourage our community here to share ideas and experience with each …

What’s better than a marketing tech stack? Your marketing org stack Continue Reading »

The Stackies: Tech Edition & Org Edition

How blockchain technology will revolutionize advertising

The following is an excerpt from the new e-book, The CMO Primer For The Blockchain World: How This “Trust Machine” Impacts Branding, Customer Experience, Advertising and Much More by Jeremy Epstein, CEO of Never Stop Marketing. It features forewords by the CMO of NASDAQ, Jeremy Skule and the CMO of Dun & Bradstreet, Rishi Dave. The e-book explores seven different marketing functions and how blockchains might impact them as well as highlighting a few emerging …

How blockchain technology will revolutionize advertising Continue Reading »

CMO Primer for the Blockchain World

3 thoughts on Marketo’s domain outage this week

This was a rough week for the folks at Marketo. If you hadn’t heard, they somehow let their domain expire. This brought down their website, customer consoles, and — most unfortunately — things like Marketo tracking scripts, landing pages, and web forms that their customers were relying on for their customer-facing web experiences. Due to the time delays involved in DNS, it took a couple of days to resolve. Ouch. One interesting part of …

3 thoughts on Marketo’s domain outage this week Continue Reading » Domain Expired

What do marketing orgs look like in the martech age? Let’s find out

I know, you get asked to participate in a ton of surveys. You’re super busy, and most of the time, the results of these studies are of dubious value to your actual work. So it’s easy to pass on taking them. But if you like the content of my blog, and have ever found it helpful, I’d personally ask you to participate in this survey: Marketing Organizations in the Age of Martech. I also believe …

What do marketing orgs look like in the martech age? Let’s find out Continue Reading »

Marketing Organizations in a Martech World

Is marketing technology entering a post-platform era?

One of the points I raised when we released the 2017 marketing technology landscape was that “the platformization of marketing technology” was now fully underway. Heterogeneous marketing stacks have become the norm. Even if many of the integrations between different marketing technologies in a stack are still relatively “shallow” — i.e., passing around fairly lightweight data, such as contact record fields, activity events, and common campaign identifiers — there is nonetheless a basic level of …

Is marketing technology entering a post-platform era? Continue Reading »

Integration Ecosystem for Marketing Technology and More

Struggling through the 5 stages of martech? Let’s learn together

Okay, I admit it. I’ve just been waiting for an excuse to post this “5 Stages of Martech” chart. These stages were originally slides in the opening keynote at MarTech San Francisco back in May, when we unveiled the 2017 marketing technology landscape. I figured a little comic relief was in order as we contemplated life in a world of 5,000+ marketing technology vendors. But just a few months later, The Martech 5000 doesn’t seem …

Struggling through the 5 stages of martech? Let’s learn together Continue Reading »

The 5 Stages of Martech

Is winter coming for martech? Or just for martech VCs?

For the past 7 years that I’ve been tracking the growth of the marketing technology landscape, I’ve been hearing prophecies of its consolidation. I’ve been quick to acknowledge that’s a possibility, probably an inevitable one. In fact, if you look at the distribution of revenue across martech companies today, you can argue it’s already happened. But I’ve found it ironically amusing that, at least in the short term, the more predictions of consolidation there have …

Is winter coming for martech? Or just for martech VCs? Continue Reading »

Martech Funding Models

Check out the amazing speakers who will be at MarTech Boston

The agenda for MarTech Boston, October 2-4, has just been posted, and I am once again awed and humbled by the incredible cast of speakers who have agreed to participate. If you want to understand the real truth of how to lead at the intersection of marketing, technology, and management, this will be a two-day conference you won’t want to miss. Let’s start with the keynotes: David Edelman, CMO of Aetna, on B2C marketing and …

Check out the amazing speakers who will be at MarTech Boston Continue Reading »

MarTech Boston 2017 Featured Speakers

If a marketing tactic works, but people hate it, should you use it?

It’s a scenario straight out of Kiefer Sutherland’s TV series 24. There’s a ticking time bomb somewhere in the city. The only way to stop it is to torture a captured suspect into revealing its location. Yes, torture is wrong. But is it worth it to save the lives of hundreds of innocent people? What do you do? This hypothetical dilemma has come up so many times in both fiction and serious philosophical and ethical …

If a marketing tactic works, but people hate it, should you use it? Continue Reading »

Ads People Hate

Pop quiz: What do Amazon Alexa and Whole Foods have in common?

The easy answer, of course, is that they’ll both be controlled by Jeff Bezos and the rapidly evolving Amazon empire. That alone is a pretty remarkable for hybridizing the digital and the physical on such a massive scale. But in my worldview, Amazon’s $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods — insert requisite “Whole Paycheck” joke, such as it was cheaper than buying groceries there for the company cookout — gives Amazon a powerful new touchpoint …

Pop quiz: What do Amazon Alexa and Whole Foods have in common? Continue Reading »

Vertical Competition in Martech with Amazon & Whole Foods

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