Scott Brinker

How marketing technology could transform healthcare

The following is a guest post by Mayur Gupta, a pioneering chief marketing technologist and author of the Inspire Martech blog, who is now a senior vice president and head of digital at HealthGrades. Mayur is also on the board of advisors for the MarTech conference, and he will be one of our featured speakers at the San Francisco event, March 21-22. Check out the MarTech agenda and save $500 on registration before January 9. …

How marketing technology could transform healthcare Continue Reading »

Convergence of Marketing Technology and Healthcare

Check out the next MarTech agenda and save $500 this week only

Welcome to 2016! This is going to be a terrific year for marketing technology — and marketing technologists. As I pseudo-predicted last month, I believe this will be the year that we see significant “mainstreaming” of a wide range of marketing technologies — a lot more companies are going to be leveraging more advanced martech capabilities in their day-to-day operations. Martech is crossing the chasm. And the innovators and early adopters who preceded them? They’ll …

Check out the next MarTech agenda and save $500 this week only Continue Reading »

MarTech Agenda San Francisco 2016

7 not-quite-predictions for marketing technology in 2016

Most people suck at accurately predicting the future. I’m one of them. I took my shot at the prediction hall-of-fame last year, predicting that Microsoft would spend more than $1 billion on acqusition(s) in the marketing technology space in 2015. I thought it was a reasonably solid bet. And when they tried to buy Salesforce for $55 billion in the spring, I was feeling pretty cocky for about a week — that would have been …

7 not-quite-predictions for marketing technology in 2016 Continue Reading »

Predicting the Future of Marketing Technology

Best. MarTech. Ever. Coming this March in San Francisco

Wow, you can’t scroll a mobile screenful on Twitter these days without hitting at least three predictions for 2016. I’ve got a few bubbling in the back of my head — my recent posts on the 5 stages of maturity in marketing technology categories and the race for the #1 and #2 marketing technology brands give some hint to what I think the year ahead may bring. But there’s one marketing tech prediction I can …

Best. MarTech. Ever. Coming this March in San Francisco Continue Reading »

MarTech: The Marketing Technology Conference

5 big martech challenges that marketers will face in 2016

The following is a guest post by Ashu Garg, general partner at Foundation Capital. Disclosure: they invested in TubeMogul, which is mentioned in this article, as well as other adtech and martech companies. The evolution of marketing technology has come a long way this year. When I first published MarTech and the Decade of the CMO — the white paper that predicts the 10x software revolution that is coming to marketing — CEOs were just …

5 big martech challenges that marketers will face in 2016 Continue Reading »

Point Solutions vs. Stack Solutions

The race for the #1 and #2 marketing technology brands

Al Ries and Jack Trout, who essentially invented the concept of “positioning” in marketing, wrote a terrific book in 1993 called The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. It’s a fantastic read, and even though it’s more than two decades old, I believe it’s as relevant today as ever. To discuss marketing technology consolidation, I’d like to call out six of their “immutable” laws related to positioning: #1 The Law of Leadership: It is better to …

The race for the #1 and #2 marketing technology brands Continue Reading »

Marketing Technology Market Share

Thank you to a kaleidoscopic marketing tech community

It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. tomorrow, and I want to take the occasion to say a heartfelt “thank you” to — first and foremost — you, dear reader. Over the past year, has grown to more than 75,000 regular readers. I am deeply honored that you’ve taken the time to read this blog and share it with your friends and colleagues. More than ever, it feels like a real community has …

Thank you to a kaleidoscopic marketing tech community Continue Reading »

Marketing Technology Thanksgiving 2015

5 stages of maturity in marketing technology categories

This is the first of several articles leading up to my predictions for marketing technology in 2016. Because martech is a relatively complex space, I thought it would be helpful — at least for my own thinking — to break out a couple of foundational ideas, which we can then build upon. Let’s start with the illustration above, the 5 stages of maturity in marketing technology categories. While this certainly echoes Everett Roger’s famous diffusion …

5 stages of maturity in marketing technology categories Continue Reading »

5 Stage of Maturity in Marketing Technology

Marketing data technology: making sense of the puzzle

The following is a guest post by the CEO of Sweetspot Intelligence, Sergio Maldonado. I had the pleasure of meeting Sergio at MarTech Europe last month where he shared a sketch of the above “marketing data technology” landscape with me. I found it very interesting and invited him to share his perspective with readers here. Scott Brinker’s Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic has become a global reference for marketing executives, marketing technologists, digital strategists, IT executives, …

Marketing data technology: making sense of the puzzle Continue Reading »

Marketing Data Technology Map

Twitter jumps into interactive micro-content with new poll mechanism

As an enthusiastic proponent of interactive content — and, admittedly, I am biased — I was fascinated to see Twitter release an interactive content feature into its service last month. You can now add a 2-answer poll to any tweet of yours, and for the next 24 hours, people can place their votes. Okay, given its tiny footprint, perhaps we should call this interactive micro-content? This is a terrific example of what I would call …

Twitter jumps into interactive micro-content with new poll mechanism Continue Reading »

Twitter Poll: A New Mechanism

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