Agile Marketing

How ReadyTalk successfully adopted agile marketing

As the clockspeed of marketing continues to accelerate, more and more marketers are exploring agile marketing — the application of agile management techniques in the marketing department — as a way to adapt to this new environment. But agile marketing is not yet a textbook methodology. While agile processes have been well developed in software engineering circles over the past two decades, the application of them to marketing is relatively new. And while there are …

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ReadyTalk's Agile Marketing Scrum-ban Board

How EMC successfully adopted agile marketing

Agile marketing has been gaining a lot of steam over the past year, but we’re still in the “early adopter” stage of this movement. (If you have no idea what agile marketing is, I recently posted a video introduction to agile marketing as well as an essay version.) Most teams that have adopted agile marketing have had to figure it out on their own, improvising from ideas of agile development and adapting the process as …

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Agile marketing for a world of constant change

[UPDATE: I’ve also posted a video recording of this agile marketing presentation that I gave at the Marketo User Summit in April 2013.] Today I’m giving a presentation at the Marketing Operations Executive Summit on agile marketing. Given the tremendous disruption in marketing and business today, I truly believe that embracing an agile approach to marketing management may be the single most valuable decision an organization can make. Here’s my slide deck, along with an …

Agile marketing for a world of constant change Continue Reading »

That is a dead marketing plan.

“Brand debt” and a gap in the agile marketing manifesto

Agile marketing is often celebrated for speed — empowering marketing teams to get more ideas out into the market faster. But while that is often a valuable side benefit, it’s not one of the key principles behind agile marketing. In fact, putting too much emphasis on speed can be detrimental to marketing’s larger mission. The heart of agile marketing is really its adaptability. By breaking ideas into small pieces and using short work cycles to …

“Brand debt” and a gap in the agile marketing manifesto Continue Reading »

Brand Debt in Agile Marketing

Why this CMO loathes marketing plans (interview)

One of my favorite marketers in the Boston area is Frank Days. He’s super smart, speaks his mind, and is a great champion of innovation in the marketing department. He was one of the early pioneers of agile marketing, implementing it at Novell several years ago and sharing his experience with others. So I was excited to finally catch up with him for an interview on some of his current thinking about agile marketing. You …

Why this CMO loathes marketing plans (interview) Continue Reading »

Agile marketing in 20 slides and 5 minutes (video)

“What the heck is this agile marketing thing people keep talking about?!” If that question is on your mind — and you aren’t familiar with agile software development, from which its ideas sprang — this 5 minute video will give you the quick lowdown. It was recorded at the ASAE’s technology conference earlier this month in an “ignite talk” format — 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide auto-advancing, 5 minutes total. (I’m not sure who …

Agile marketing in 20 slides and 5 minutes (video) Continue Reading »

What agile marketers can learn from the U.S. CTO

Think your organization is too large or too political to adopt agile marketing? You might take inspiration from the U.S. CTO Todd Park, who has ignited a number of agile projects in the U.S. federal government and — isn’t there a law against this? — is actually getting stuff done. Park, who has a successful background as a tech-savvy entrepreneur (he co-founded Athenahealth in the 90’s), was the CTO of the Department of Health and …

What agile marketers can learn from the U.S. CTO Continue Reading »

Google brings agile to agencies with “Agile Creativity” vision

Hackathons. Prototyping. Beta testing. Sounds like a typical day in Silicon Valley software, right? Not this time. This is the language of Madison Avenue in the 21st century. Or at least it will be, if Google’s new Agile Creativity initiative takes root. In collaboration with a number of agency visionaries, Google has produced a compelling half-manifesto/half-tipsheet with recommendations for how agencies can reinvent themselves as “agile” businesses. It merges the DNA of Silicon Valley and …

Google brings agile to agencies with “Agile Creativity” vision Continue Reading »

10 key principles of agile marketing management

You’ve probably been hearing more about agile marketing lately. Over the past 6 months, there has been a blossoming Renaissance of discussions, writings, and events on the subject — a number of which I summed up in a recent Search England Land column, Have You Adopted Agile Marketing Yet? In a nutshell, agile marketing adapts management methodologies from agile software development (and agile project management) and applies them to marketing teams. It’s also influenced by …

10 key principles of agile marketing management Continue Reading »

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