Marketing Data

Mashable makes much of marketing data

Josh Jones-Dilworth wrote a couple of great columns about data and marketing on, Marketing in 2010: It’s All About the Data and How Data Will Impact the Way We Do Business. In the first article, he makes the case for data as a marketing vehicle: In the near term, learn to think of data as an asset, and be creative. Data shapes conversations and markets. But data doesn’t come to you — organizationally, the …

Mashable makes much of marketing data Continue Reading »

Best Buy jump starts data web marketing

There’s an exciting story that’s come out of this week’s Search Engine Strategies (SES) conference in Chicago that should inspire everyone in online marketing and the semantic web — and most all, those of us interested in the intersection of the two. Jay Myers, lead web development engineer at Best Buy, presented a case study of what happened when they implemented the GoodRelations data vocabulary with RDFa microformat tags embedded in their pages, and the …

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Data web marketing and the law

In the future of online marketing, the biggest internal tug-of-war might not be between the marketing department and IT — I maintain the belief that marketing will subsume technology under its own management umbrella — so much as it will be between the marketing department and legal. As we enter the next era of the web — Web 3.0 or the web of data or the semantic web, whatever you prefer to call it — …

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Marketers: the web of data is inevitable

Flying home from the Semantic Technology Conference 2009 (#semtech2009 on Twitter), I have to confess that I’m drunk on the Kool-Aid. My presentation on marketing in the semantic web attracted a packed room, and feedback — from both technical and business attendees — was incredibly positive. But it was the sum of the rest of the conference that really inspired me to conclude: The semantic web — or web of data, web 3.0 if you …

Marketers: the web of data is inevitable Continue Reading »

Data web marketing presentation

A little over a year ago, I wrote a post on marketing in the semantic web (“semantic marketing”) that tackled the question of what marketing might be like in the semantic web. I should say that now, the semantic web is probably better thought of as a “web of data” — analogous to the existing web of human-readable content, but layered with structured and linked data that software can easily process. If you haven’t yet …

Data web marketing presentation Continue Reading »

Google encourages structured data on your web site

Exciting news came out of Google’s Searchology event yesterday for the advancement of semantic web adoption: the announcement of Rich Snippets in Google search results. Google is now starting to pay attention to structured data that is embedded — using either microformats or RDFa — in the web pages it crawls. And now, via these rich snippets, Google will start displaying that structured data in the search results. At the moment, these rich snippets only …

Google encourages structured data on your web site Continue Reading »

Top 10 reasons the semantic web is a lot like love

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I thought I’d wax a little poetic with my top 10 reasons why the semantic web is a lot like love: 10. It means different things to different people. 9. Those in it can bore everyone else to death talking about it. 8. Cynics insist there’s no such thing. 7. It’s straightforward in theory, messy in practice. 6. A few misinterpreted words can really screw things up. 5. You …

Top 10 reasons the semantic web is a lot like love Continue Reading »

Twitter and semantic microblogging

“Life happens while you’re making other plans.” The same may be said about the semantic web. While waiting for mainstream adoption of proper semantic web standards — such as RDF metadata embedded in web pages — the drive for organized structure and meaning in the great sea of web content is being addressed in perhaps the most unexpected of places: Twitter. Technology adoption, like water, follows the path of least resistance. The explosion of hashtags …

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Semantic marketing podcast with Paul Miller

Paul Miller of Talis, who also authors ZDNet’s Semantic Web blog, is one of the leading evangelists for semantic web technologies out there. He’s also the person who first inspired my musings on semantic marketing by asking, in an offhanded comment to one of my first posts, how exactly would I envision marketing and the semantic web working together? That brief remark has blossomed into a major theme for this blog, with posts on semantic …

Semantic marketing podcast with Paul Miller Continue Reading »

Semantic advertising: 4 different kinds

What is "semantic advertising"? (Or, advertising encounters of a semantic kind.) The short answer: advertising that uses semantic web technology, of course. But as it turns out, that definition is highly dependent on how you define "advertising" and "semantic web". With a flurry of innovation happening in both these areas — and their intersection — there are now several different meanings for semantic advertising, depending on who you ask. Here are 4 distinct kinds of semantic advertising: #1: Contextual …

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