Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2012)

Marketing Technology Landscape (2012)

UPDATE: The 2020 Marketing Technology Landscape is now available.

Marketing is in a whirlwind of technological innovation. It’s thrilling, inspiring, and a little dizzying.

Last year, I made the first version of a marketing technology landscape infographic to try to glimpse the “big picture” of this broad field. I’m pleased to now share with you the all-new 2012 version of this supergraphic above (click to open a large version that’s actually readable).

Its purpose is to illustrate how incredibly diverse and vibrant the marketing technology ecosystem is. It includes over 350 different companies, from small start-ups to Fortune 500 giants, across 45 different categories, from agile management to video marketing.

Admittedly, it’s incomplete — merely a representative sampling of all the varied technologies in marketers’ lives today. Under constraints of time and space, there are many companies and categories that weren’t included and that no doubt deserve to be. (If one of those missing companies is yours, I apologize. Please tell us about your venture in the comments.)

Categories are by no means definitive. We could debate for hours what is or isn’t “marketing automation” (as I have, much to the chagrin of the people sitting next to me). The labels in our industry are in flux, as are many of the companies themselves, which are constantly adding new features, acquiring new products, and pivoting to new positions.

Some categories are unfairly broad — such as analytics and social media marketing — simply because further subcategorization seemed tedious. As a result, for instance, you could implement analytics solutions from Chartbeat, Clicktale, ClearSaleing, and Compete with almost no overlap in functionality.

Many companies could make a case for being in multiple categories, but in the interest of diversity, there are few duplicate entries. The exceptions are mostly the Big Guys — Adobe, IBM, Oracle — whose large portfolios of marketing technology acquisitions defy any simple designation. Where acquisitions have retained their own brand (e.g., Radian6 or Heroku under, Wildfire under Google, etc.), I’ve tended to leave them in “as is.”

Three notes: First, my own company, ion interactive, is included in the graphic in the landing pages circle (which is part of the testing and optimization sphere, which is part of the broader web site constellation). Second, the inspiration for this came from the wonderful LUMAscapes produced by LUMA Partners. Where I go broad, they go deep, with several amazing and thorough diagrams of subindustries within marketing.

Finally, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. Some logos are bigger than others. There is no meaning or ulterior motive to this — at least no conscious one — other than trying to squeeze logos of various dimensions into crowded or very crowded categories in a hopefully semi-aesthetically-pleasing fashion.

If you’re new to this blog and want to know more about how to make sense of this “technologification” of marketing, I humbly suggest these pieces:

And, of course, the classic: Rise of the Marketing Technologist. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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41 thoughts on “Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2012)”

  1. Mark, this is a great update. Thank you for taking the time to make and share it. Yes, it’s diverse and vibrant. Yes, it’s complete.
    But for many Marketers it’s overwhelming. I’m confident that in the long run the profession will get over the learning curve of mastering these many technological tools necessary for Marketing. Just as hard will be convincing those with the purse strings to invest in these tools.
    Your evangelism is great and I totally agree with the concept of “Marketing Technologist.” As you know, most organizations are far from that reality. However, the forces of capitalism will force them to embrace this new position or fall further behind.
    Joe Zuccaro

  2. G’day Scott
    “merely a representative sampling??!@#$%^&*(?”
    I’m paddling as fast as I can already.
    As Roy Scheider said in Jaws – “We need a bigger boat.”
    Or what would Don Draper do?
    Ok, I’m rambling, I’ll quit now.

  3. Scott, I’m commenting again sorry! I book marked it yesterday and went back last night to dig in to the picture and have 2 questions-
    -Do you have a list (.xls or txt) of all the companies organized by the sections you list above and do you want to share it?
    -For the B2B Data group, no D&B?

  4. Thanks for the great feedback!
    And the recommendations. Campaign Monitor, Jama Contour, iJento, and D&B are all great.
    @Rebecca, I don’t have an .xls or .txt version at the moment. However, I am thinking about some options to make this more systematic and database-driven in the future. Possibly a solution to make it more comprehensive (and easy to update when I realize I left someone important out!).

  5. The overall CRM circle is inside of the Marketing Automation circle. Is that the intent? Typically it’s CRM, and inside its Marketing, SFA, Customer Service…

  6. Scott, thanks for updating the infographic. Almost frightening to see all the logos and equally frightening to realize how many I know or use! Your blog is first on my list to check. Thanks for all the great content and perspectives!

  7. According to our knowledge we define that the marketing automation as, It is the Software solution that designed to simplify the online processes by repeatation of tasks.Can u briefly explain about technologification.

  8. Nice work! But missing us!
    For the websites circle please add eZ Publish. Without eZ in there you are missing the largest commercial open source web content management development platform. Thanks!

  9. Thank you for the monumental piece of work, which you thankfully just had to update this year! Much appreciated and yes this piece of work will be shared and rightly credited to you as your expertise and altruism deserves to be known on both sides of the pond! Let me know if I can assist you in any way! Kind Regards from Hamburg Germany!

  10. Fantastic infographic, must have been quite a task compiling all those. It certainly demonstrates just how many tools and applications there are out there to choose from; a choice that can be quite overwhelming!
    I’m disappointed not to see Brandwatch ( within the social media marketing circle – we’re one of the leading social media monitoring tools out there and are considerably bigger (in both size and revenue) than some of those that have been included. Perhaps you can squeeze us in in the next update 😉

  11. Your powers to organize and simplify are astounding, my friend.
    P.S. is CRM middleware for Quickbooks. Too small?

  12. @chiefmartec been staring at this for 3 months now… hats off to you it’s a work of art! I’m wondering if makes sense for affiliate marketing or performance marketing to have a bubble on here too? I’m thinking of larger CPA networks that are more established and platform companies that are now popping up which solely support affiliate operations.

  13. Hi Scott,
    I have been following your infographic for a while now and this the IInd update I am looking at.
    I must congratulate at your market + product + work-area forsight. Its amazing.
    Reinforces my believe in “Pictures worth a thousand words”
    Sachin Jain

  14. Scott,
    Excellent infographic! I heard about this from Gleanster Research and they had a lot of great things to say about you as well.
    Our company, GreenRope, touches a few of the areas you show in that graphic and if you are looking to revise it, we would be honored if you can include us in:
    – CRM (Integrated CRM)
    – Email Marketing
    – Marketing Automation
    – Landing pages / Testing & Optimization
    – E-Commerce
    – Mobile
    – Events
    – Projects
    Our website is and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about us or our industry.
    Thanks again for putting this infographic together!
    Best regards,
    Lars Helgeson

  15. Seems to be a bit of an icon ghetto without a ton of insight. Nice work and don’t mean to be negative but there are tools and then there is strategy.
    Two very different things.

  16. I like the phrase “icon ghetto” — I’ll use that in the next update. 🙂
    Couldn’t agree more with the sentiment that strategy (and for that matter people and culture) trump tools. No strategy is implied in the above graphic. But I find it fascinating to get a glimpse of the breadth and depth of marketing software out there.

  17. Pingback: Become a technologist. Now. | CDS Global Blog

  18. Pingback: 4 Principles Of Marketing As A Science

  19. Pingback: Sales Technology Landscape - May 2013 | CedarconeCedarcone

  20. Scott: Excellent work! The infographic is really great! I will sahre it in my company. Please, take a look to Equifax value proposition, it could fit in some categories (analytics for sure).
    Thanks for share this work!

  21. You have done an amazing job in putting this together, I took on the task recently in our company to undergo a complete market analysis and I will be using this as a boost in the right direction. So thank you!

    I think our company fits in on this to date, we have been laying low up until now, but we are rapidly growing and find that nobody meets the demand of the market quite like us! If you have time please check out – an automated sales and marketing system for local business. I think we are the next big thing, which is why I made no hesitation to join the EggZack team recently coming from my last startup

    There is a huge problem in the market, its too fragmented. Local business can’t get straight another piece to the puzzle, which is why we are building this automated system to manage everything in one place, with one entry.

    Thank you again for the valuable insight into the market, please feel free to reach out to me I would love to chat about this topic with you!

    Steven Chiocchi – find me on LinkedIn:

  22. This is such a great overview of the marketing landscape, I’m wondering if anyone (or you Scott) have come across one for the IT Landscape in general? Have you seen or built one for IT? Thanks

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