Marketing Management

600+ marketers report on the blend of art and science in marketing

At the MarTech conference last week, Mayur Gupta, global VP of marketing & growth at Spotify, and I revealed the results from a study we had conducted with the research team at Third Door Media on the intersection of art and science in marketing. We had 637 participants in the study — one of the largest groups surveyed on this topic in recent history — the vast majority of whom identified as marketers and marketing …

600+ marketers report on the blend of art and science in marketing Continue Reading »

Marketers as Scientists

57 marketing stacks and 21 essays from the 2017 Stackies & Hackies

Here at the MarTech conference in San Francisco, we just celebrated the 2017 Stackies & Hackies Awards. Marketers contributed an incredible 57 marketing stack illustrations and 21 “marketing hack” essays to the community. This is our third year of running the Stackies — you can check out the marketing stacks from the 2015 and 2016 competitions. But, wow, this year’s entries are even better. (As a reminder: to enter the Stackies, marketers send in a …

57 marketing stacks and 21 essays from the 2017 Stackies & Hackies Continue Reading »

The Stackies 2018: Marketing Tech Stack Awards

Cisco shares their marketing stack with 39 marketing technologies

The MarTech conference in San Francisco is less than two weeks away, and I’m really looking forward to kicking it off with the Stackies & Hackies awards reception on the evening of May 9. We received 57 marketing stack entries into the Stackies this year, plus 21 essays in the Hackies — so we’ll be making a donation of ((57+21)*$100) = $7,800 to Girls Who Code. We’ll be releasing the full deck of all 57 …

Cisco shares their marketing stack with 39 marketing technologies Continue Reading »

Cisco Marketing Technology Stack

Separating marketing technology fact from fiction at #MarTech in 2 weeks

We’re now only two weeks away from the MarTech conference in San Francisco, May 9-11 — the world’s largest independent marketing technology conference designed for senior-level marketers and technologists. We stress the the word independent because unlike most of the big marketing events these days that are run by Adobe, HubSpot, IBM, Marketo, Oracle, Salesforce, or alliances of smaller vendors, MarTech is produced by a professional conference company with no conflict of interest. Those other …

Separating marketing technology fact from fiction at #MarTech in 2 weeks Continue Reading »

MarTech San Francisco 2017 Expo Hall

You have to participate in this MarTech cartoon caption contest…

As you may know, Tom Fishburne, a.k.a. the Marketoonist, will be one of our keynote speakers at the MarTech conference in San Francisco next month, May 9-11. I’m really looking forward to his presentation — sage observations on a wild marketing industry, roiled by the crazy pace of technological innovation, all revealed through the lens of a brilliant cartoonist’s wit. And here’s your chance to contribute and be recognized for your own martech sense of …

You have to participate in this MarTech cartoon caption contest… Continue Reading »

MarTech Cartoon Caption Contest

Is inbound vs. outbound antiquated in an ABM world?

The following is a guest article by Sangram Vajre, co-founder and CMO of Terminus, founder of the #FlipMyFunnel movement, and author of Account-Based Marketing For Dummies. He’ll also be a featured speaker at the MarTech Conference in San Francisco, May 9-11. Editorial update: It turns out that there’s actually a martech company named Allbound, which I should actually write as Allbound™, since they have a trademark on their name. I hope this added notice is …

Is inbound vs. outbound antiquated in an ABM world? Continue Reading »

Terminus ABM Stack

The potential of blockchain technology: what every marketer should know

The following is a follow-up guest post by Jeremy Epstein, CEO of Never Stop Marketing, to his previous articles on blockchain marketing, blockchain brand promises, blockchain brand “logos,” and blockchains as brand equity. Jeremy currently works with several of the leading companies in the blockchain and decentralization space. DON’T MISS A CHANCE TO HEAR JEREMY SPEAK. He will be presenting at the MarTech Conference in San Francisco, May 9-11, with a fascinating talk on Marketing in …

The potential of blockchain technology: what every marketer should know Continue Reading »

Blockchain Tech Stack

Want to speak at MarTech Boston? We’d love to hear your ideas

While MarTech San Francisco is only a little more than a month away — reminder: the early bird “beta rate” for tickets expires at the end of this week! — we’re already on to planning MarTech Boston for this fall, October 2-4, 2017. Spring is a beautiful time in San Francisco, and Boston is a spectacular time in the fall. I’m not saying we planned these events around seasonal splendor and great weather — availability …

Want to speak at MarTech Boston? We’d love to hear your ideas Continue Reading »

MarTech Boston

What does the art and science of marketing really mean? Your thoughts?

The phrase “art and science” of marketing gets thrown around a lot. But what does it really mean? What exactly is the art part of marketing, and what is the science? Where are the boundaries between them? Do they overlap? These are some of the questions that Mayur Gupta, global VP of marketing & growth at Spotify, and I will be addresing in the opening keynote of the MarTech conference in San Francisco this May. …

What does the art and science of marketing really mean? Your thoughts? Continue Reading »

Intuitive Marketing vs. Analytical Marketing

Free ebook: 5 Disruptions Reshaping Marketing as We Know It

Last December, I wrote a 5-part series on 5 Disruptions to Marketing — the big changes that are rehaping the nature of the marketing industry and profession today. And earlier this year, on Valentine’s Day, I gave an hour-long webinar on the subject. (What can I say? I have the hots for martech.) The good folks at Third Door Media — the producers of the MarTech conference and the publishers of MarTech Today — took …

Free ebook: 5 Disruptions Reshaping Marketing as We Know It Continue Reading »

5 Disruptions Reshaping Marketing as We Know It (ebook)

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