Scott Brinker

Marketing Technology Landscape Infographic

UPDATE: The 2020 Marketing Technology Landscape is now available. When I first presented the Rise of the Marketing Technologist, my key exhibit was a kaleidoscope of over 100 logos of marketing technology companies — what better way to viscerally express the awe-inspiring explosion of software in marketing. Ever since then, I’ve itched to take that hot mess of a graphic and organize it, group the products into categories, and reveal some of the underlying structure …

Marketing Technology Landscape Infographic Continue Reading »

What can marketing automation do for you? #MITX

Popped into a session hosted by MITX yesterday morning, What Can Marketing Automation Do for You? The panelists were Jim Williams of Eloqua, Christopher O’Donnell of Hubspot, and Bill Stone of RenaissanceOPTI. Given my interview with Steven Woods last week on marketing automation as a solution to the explosion of marketing touchpoints — as well as Eric Wittlake’s thoughtful commentary, When Did Automated Dialogue Trump Real Conversation? — I was eager to hear other perspectives. …

What can marketing automation do for you? #MITX Continue Reading »

Marketing technology as your ZMOT engine of war

I finally got around to reading ZMOT: Winning The Zero Moment of Truth by Jim Lecinski, published by Google. If you haven’t read it yet, go grab a copy — it’s free. It’s actually a brilliant example of content marketing by Google — a company not exactly renown for their own content marketing (despite enabling it for the rest of us!). As I mentioned in my Search Engine Land column earlier this month, 3 Dead …

Marketing technology as your ZMOT engine of war Continue Reading »

How ad tech is disrupting the media buying world

The above diagram is from Clay Christensen’s web site with the definition of disruptive innovation. Ari Paparo, a senior VP at Appnexus, had a terrific article published in Ad Age last week, Don’t Look Now: Classic Disruption Is Taking Place In Advertising, describing the phenomenon of such disruptive technology on agencies and media buying in digital advertising. (Thanks to my co-founder at ion, Justin Talerico, for forwarding it to me while he was on vacation.) …

How ad tech is disrupting the media buying world Continue Reading »

Insights from the explosion of marketing touchpoints

At the Online Marketing Summit here in Boston last week, I caught up with Steven Woods, co-founder and CTO of Eloqua. I’ve been a fan of Steven’s since his first book on the transformation of sales and marketing, Digital Body Language. He now has a new book — Revenue Engine: Why Revenue Performance Management is the Next Frontier of Competitive Advantage — that continues this discussion on the new marketing. So I took advantage of …

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Chief Content Officer meets marketing technologist

The latest issue of Chief Content Officer magazine has just been published, featuring an article by yours truly: Rise of the Marketing Technologist. Although the gist of the piece is already well-known by readers of this blog — from posts such as my marketing technologist presentation at Search Insider Summit last year — the story of how marketing’s DNA is changing continues to be refined and expanded. I was thrilled that CCO magazine felt that …

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You might be a marketing technologist if…

How do you know if you’re a marketing technologist? Well, you might be a marketing technologist if… …you regularly use three or more different web browsers. …you know that third-party cookies aren’t leftover snacks from two previous social gatherings. …you have spent weeks trying to get two different web analytics packages to report the same numbers. …when someone mentions Amazon, you think of web services, not books. …you read TechCrunch more than AdAge (but you …

You might be a marketing technologist if… Continue Reading »

Should agencies show more -aaS?

First there was SaaS — software-as-a-service. Then PaaS — platform-as-a-service. Then IaaS — infrastructure-as-a-service. These days it’s EaaS — everything-as-a-service. Development-as-a-serivce (DaaS). Testing-as-a-service (TaaS). Content-as-a-service (CaaS). Social-media-as-a-service (SMaaS). I’m not making these up. Is it AaaS — anything-as-a-service? Is the right adjective for that AaaS-inine? Which made we wonder… Should agencies simply rebrand themselves as MaaS — marketing-as-a-service? “We’re not mass marketing. We’re MaaS marketing.” (A homage to homonyms.) They’d better hurry. One of their …

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CEOs rank technological factors higher than CIOs

I recently read the report from the 2011 IBM Global CIO Study, the result of “face-to-face conversations with more than 3,000 chief information officers worldwide.” Frankly, it read a little more like an IBM sales brochure than an objective research report — kind of light on actual data. But I did find one semi-quantitative diagram to be particularly intriguing: In a study last year, IBM asked CEOs to rank the impact of external forces on …

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Google *finally* innovating with search ads

Maybe it’s the Mad Men marketer in my hybrid DNA, but I’ve always been a little underwhelmed with Google AdWords. The business model of pay-per-click (PPC) is great. The ability to scale to thousands of micro-targeted ads is great. The analytics and testing capabilities are pretty good. And, hey, major hats off to intercepting buyers at their moment of expressed “intent.” But the design canvas — trying to market to people with a maximum of …

Google *finally* innovating with search ads Continue Reading »

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